Thank you for your interest. There are no events scheduled at this time, but we are always planning something exciting.
Please check back soon for information on future events. Be sure to join our Talent Network!
Every day, the MTA’s 70,000 employees run the world-class transportation network that millions of New Yorkers depend on. If you’re passionate about public service, the MTA is the place to be.
Working at the MTA means contributing to some of the biggest infrastructure projects in the country. Our employees make our communities more livable and help strengthen the economic health of the New York region.
The MTA family includes professionals in a variety of positions, from bus and train operators to engineers, accountants, and policy experts. We offer tremendous career and growth opportunities, as well as competitive salaries, comprehensive healthcare plans, and many other benefits.
Dress code for this event is not formal. Please come casual and ready to connect!
We encourage you to bring your professional resume, CV, and cover letter with you to the event.
Browse open positions and apply online before the hiring event to speed up the process!