Title: Assistant Signalman - Communications Systems Maintenance / Systems Radio
Department: Engineering
Re-Post Date: 12/15/2022
Close Date: Open Until Filled
Hay Point Evaluation: N/A
100% Hourly Rate of Pay: $43.00* (See Wage Progression Chart)
Position Classification: Safety Sensitive
Location: Various Headquarters
Reports To: Foreman
Union Affiliation: Brotherhood of Railroad Signalman (BRS - Local 241)
Note: If you already applied to this position #101059, there is no need to re-apply as your application is already under review.
Systems Maintenance
Responsible for the installation and maintenance of underground cable systems, tunnel cable systems, wayside and office voice/data/video communications and cable systems, voice/data/video transport systems, IP systems, electronics and enclosures/huts/rooms, radio systems, security systems, customer information systems, optical systems, alarm systems. All systems elements (hardware/software/interfaces, etc.) are included. The individual will be responsible to demonstrate sufficient aptitude to learn this information and accept training. The individual must perform all assigned tasks safely and responsibly.
Systems Radio
The individual is expected to work under the direction of other members of the Communications Department and learn the work generally recognized as communications work under the scope of the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen (BRS) agreement with the LIRR. Communications work includes, but is not limited to, the installation and maintenance of VHF radio systems, Positive Train Control (PTC) radio systems, data radio systems, point to point and Line of Sight (LoS) systems including ancillary equipment and underground cable systems, tunnel cable systems, conduit, Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS), Radio Over IP (ROIP), Software Defined Radio (SDR), etc. All systems elements (hardware/software/interfaces, etc.) are included. Knowledge of wired system interfaces and equipment (IP, T1, etc) is required. The individual will be responsible to demonstrate sufficient aptitude to learn this information and accept training. The individual must perform all assigned tasks safely and responsibly. The Company provides a training program consisting of both classroom and field training. Failure to qualify as a Mechanic within the four (4) year training program will result in termination of employment. Qualification as a Mechanic (Radio Tech) requires the candidate pass a written oral and practical test, receive good reviews, demonstrate proficiency in tools and techniques used to install and troubleshoot equipment.
Responsibilities may include but are not limited to:
Preferred/Desirable Skills/Qualifications:
Other Information
In addition to meeting the minimum requirements of the position, the selection process may include, but is not limited to, a pre-screening assessment (i.e., physical, written and/ or practical evaluation) and interview. Candidates forfeit further consideration in the process if they fail to participate in any step of the process when scheduled. Make up dates/times will not be given. In addition, LIRR employee applicants must be in their current position for the 12 months immediately preceding the close date of this posting and must possess a satisfactory work history, including attendance and discipline record. A record of more than ten sick days without medical documentation in two of the last three years is considered unsatisfactory attendance. Not all qualified applicants are guaranteed an interview due to the competitive selection process. A medical examination and safety sensitive drug/alcohol test may also be required.
How To Apply
Qualified applicants can submit an online application by clicking on the 'APPLY NOW' button from either the CAREERS page or from the JOB DESCRIPTION page.
If you have previously applied on line for other positions, enter your User Name and Password. If it is your first registration, click on the CLICK HERE TO REGISTER hyperlink and enter a User Name and Password; then click on the REGISTER button.
All LIRR employees must go to, sign in using your BSC ID and navigate to My Job Search and then Careers.
When applying for positions, please ensure that you attach a resume during the application process and that you receive a confirmation e-mail that your application was accepted. If you do not receive an email confirmation, your application may not have been received and will not be able to be considered after the deadline date. If you encounter problems, please call the BSC Customer Management Center at (646) 376-0123 Monday through Friday (except MTA HQ holidays), 8:30am – 5:00pm.
Equal Opportunity Employment